I'm afraid I don't have much to add to the morning's report. Most of the things on the list have to remain there — in case I'm overflowing with energy tomorrow..... or any other day in the future.
Well, I'm not going to tell you what I haven't done but I'll try to make what I have done as impressive as possible.
All domestic Christmas cards are finished and signed (the foreign are already in the mail) — the signature looks rather neurotic when you've signed 30 or 40 cards.
I also ordered some books that I meant to order for quite a while — one of them is "Little Heathens: Hard Times and High Spirits on an Iowa Farm During the Great Depression"by Mildred Armstrong Kalish which Nan wrote about some days ago.
Leftovers for dinner — how I love leftovers — I only had to make a salad, a red beet salad that I found on the web many years ago.
Now I'll try to stay awake until I go to bed.
Good night.
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