A thin layer of snow has fallen during the night, enough to freshen up the nature so even if it still is gray the snow together with longer days makes the world a bit brighter than only few days ago.
My darling still complains about the weather and prefers to play in the laundry (clean).
My capacity for doing more than one thing at the time is nil — and I don’t always manage one thing either. But my brain can't grasp that fact, and is milling out ideas for projects at a neck breaking speed. That clash between brain and reality paralyze me and I end up doing nothing. There are many books waiting to be read but for some reason also the reading is slow. Partly because my brain seems to be deep-frozen — but I also think that I've changed over the years. I used to gobble up the books, which I don't do any longer — now I like to put the book down for a while to ponder what I've been reading. Some books takes more time to reflect over than others, and I'm reading two such books for the moment. They are both in Swedish, which is a pity as they are very interesting. One of them is about the Finnish poet Edith Södergran and how she studied Rudolf Steiner's books.
The other slow book is even slower and deals with ethic and wisdom in the healthcare.
In between those two books I keep reading "The Cat Who books" and plan another art theme for the blog. When I was looking for windows I found so many other paintings I'd like to share — I hope to start it next week.
In between those two books I keep reading "The Cat Who books" and plan another art theme for the blog. When I was looking for windows I found so many other paintings I'd like to share — I hope to start it next week.
This is also a time of year when I think we are meant to slow down and be more reflective........Modern life doesn't accomodate itself to these natural rythms very often! I love to see the pictures of every sort which you post on your blog, and love to read what you write also. I look forward to your new theme!
SvaraRaderaYes, I'm sure you are right - but the combination of this time of the year and getting older can be a bit too much sometimes!
I guess I like winter exactly for this reason...to slow down and do one thing at the time (though I still cannot stop reading two or three books together). But I also agree, that the combination of winter and getting older doesn't improve the personal well being (of our souls too) very much ;-)! I always like to join you at tea time, though I am more or less a passive "guest"(it's quite often a linguistic problem). But I love to listen to people, in this case to read what you are writing.
SvaraRaderaHave a good day!
SvaraRaderaI know exactly what you mean - there are times when I can't express myself in any language... It's good to know that you are sitting next to me even if you are quiet. I don't mind reading German even if I do mind writing it! Swiss German takes a lot of concentration though - and you have to speak veeeeeeeery sloooooooow!