måndag 16 februari 2009

Afternoon tea

I've found more recipes where you are supposed to beat the dough vigorously. The other day an axe was recommended today the recipe mention a biscuit-beater. I've been searching the web for information regarding biscuit-beaters, but so far I haven't found any pictures. Answers.com gives this explanation though:
A traditional Southern biscuit that dates back to the 1800s. Whereas most biscuits are soft and light, beaten biscuits are hard and crisp. The classic texture is obtained by beating the dough for 30 to 45 minutes until it becomes blistered, elastic and smooth. The beating may be done with a mallet, rolling pin, the flat side of a cleaver . . . Any heavy object that will pound the dough into submission. One can also use an old-fashioned beaten-biscuit machine, a contraption with wooden or metal rollers reminiscent of an old-time clothes wringer. The dough is passed through the rollers, which are operated by a hand crank. This method takes no less time but saves on the wear and tear of the baker. After the dough is beaten, it is rolled out, cut into small circles and pricked with the tines of a fork before being baked.
One quart of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder sifted with the flour, a quarter of a teaspoonful of salt, a large heaping tablespoonful of butter, milk enough to make a stiff dough. Beat with a rolling pin or in a biscuit-beater for ten or fifteen minutes until the dough blisters. Roll out about half an inch thick or less, prick well with a fork and bake in a quick oven.
Nobody who is running a home need to pay to get exercise. But if you don't think you need the hard workout here is a recipe that doesn't require muscles.
Half a pint of flour, half a pint of rich milk, a quarter of a teaspoonful of salt, three eggs beaten separately and very light. Mix the flour, salt and milk together, then the yolks of eggs, and lastly the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Have a gem pan very hot, butter well and fill with the batter and bake in a quick oven twelve to fifteen minutes. This quantity will make fourteen gems.

From: "The Golden Age Cook Book by ",1898, Henrietta Latham Dwight.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Some years ago when I made our bread without the Kenwood kitchen machine, I also used to beat the dough for at least 20 to 30 minutes. (this was hard work ;-) !!) in order to get a good bread. When I was angry I got the best dough and I felt relieved after the beating ;-) !! But I never did this "technique" when baking biscuits...

  2. I remember a recipe
    called "Aggression Cookies" that circulated on the web many years ago. I'll try to find it, as it was quite funny. I never tried it though - I don't think I got that upset.
    I find today's kitchen machines a blessing - store bought bread here is pretty bad so I'd be lost without modern technology.
