onsdag 5 januari 2011

Winter magic?

How to Make Mary and Her Lamb
Cut out the two double figures. Fold on the dotted lines marked A A A A so that the upper part of each of the four figures projects forward as shown in the small picture X. Fold on the lines marked B B where the figures join each other so that the colored surfaces face outward, and then, beginning at the feet, paste the front view of Mary to the back view of the lamb as far as the dotted lines A A. In the same way paste the front view of the lamb to the back view of Mary—as far up as the lines A A. Now paste together the front and back of the upper part of Mary. Then paste together the front and back of the upper part of the lamb. Cut off the letters A A A A B B.

Now if the lamb is held by the feet and turned inside out, Mary will appear, and vice versa. MAKE ALL THE OTHER CHANGELINGS IN PRECISELY THE SAME WAY.

The Changelings will stand alone. If they do not stand firmly after you have turned them, pinch them slightly along the dotted lines that were marked A A A A.

Look carefully at the finished Changeling in the front of the book. It will help you to make all the Magic Changelings

One of my recent Gutenber's find is "The Twelve Magic Changelings" from 1907, by M.A. Glen. I really like the pictures, but have to admit that I'm not sure where to look for the magic part. Spoiled modern child?

I did print a few of the pictures — they are very small, so I suggest that you enlarge them if you want to look for the magic.

I'm sure some people would call our winter landscape magic — even if I'm not among them. It's been snowing a lot the last 24 hours, and if the sun comes out now, I might consider calling it magic as long as the temperature doesn't drop.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Ja, nog har du fått din beskärda del du också, när det gäller snö...och det är bara början av januari, för att nu pigga upp dig litet till:).
    Minns klippfigurerna från barndomen.
    Dina är ju jättefina...

    Karin som skulle klippa och klistra om hon inte hade annat nödvändigt ont att uträtta först

  2. Karin,
    Ta' du en paus - det behöver du. Jag letar egentligen efter ett recept men hittar spännande saker på vägen. Det var nog tur att din kommentar ramlade in och påminde mig om vad jag egentligen skulle göra.
    Jag tycker nog att min barndoms pappersdockor var roligare än de här gubbarna.
    Jo, ja, jag har just kommeit in efter att ha slungat bort snön mellan huset och garaget. (Tackar och lovar min utomförträffliga snöslunga - det jag nu gör på 10 minuter tog förr en timme). Konstaterade att förra vintern nådde snön på sidan av gången, upp på låret - än så länge är det bara knädjupt.
    som är
    rätt kort i rocken

  3. I have just failed the 6.33am IQ test
    (in spite of much cutting of scraps of paper ..no printer so tested my drawing too)
    I shall try again later...for now I better get the children breakfast and off to school.
    We had a storm blow in that thawed our nice snow and now the temps dropped so we have thick ice again ...I prefer snow.
    Lovely photos... like you say you just need some Sun to make it cheerful and less cruelly beautiful.

  4. Wish I could blame it on the early hour! I'd love to hear about your next try.
    Guess I shoudn't complain about snow and cold weather - I'm sure it's nothing compared to your winter.
    who is getting more snow
