I've seen them before, and I've taken several photos of them. But it has been either to early or two late and it hasn't been light enough. Well, these pictures are not fantastic — a photo taken through a closed window won't come out much better. Especially since I don't remember when those windows were cleaned last.
they are most beautiful
SvaraRaderawhat lovely photos
and just remember by Not cleaning windows you are keeping wild birds safe (cos they can see them that way and don't knock themselves out trying to fly through them)
well that's the story My Ma and I devised years ago and I've been happy with it ever since :0)
SvaraRaderaThe birds are VERY safe here! The sad thing is that we have very few birds this cold winter. I'm afraid it is partly my fault as I haven't been able to buy them food when the car has been on strike.
Sa vackert. Era radjur ar inte like vara...dom ar bulligare i Sverige pa natt set. Har har dom ochsa en ratt long vit svans som dom sticker rakt up i vadret nar dom blir radda.
SvaraRaderaTack sa mycket for dina snalla ord idag Margaretha...
SvaraRaderaJag tror att det finns fler sorts hjortar i USA än här. Hur det är med hjortar vet jag inte, när det kommer till fåglar har vi nästan inga gemensamma fåglar i Sverige och Amerika. De kan vara snarlika - men skiljer sig i regel åt på flera punkter.
Jo, våra rådjur har också en vit svans som sticker rakt upp när de flyr.
Allt gott!
So beautiful! They look a little different from the deer that come to my yard which are white-tailed deer. But they do all charm us into forgiving their depredations!
SvaraRaderaI don't believe you can take a bad photo.:) btw what kind of dear are they? the shape of thier heads are much different then the dear I've seen in my neck of the woods.
SvaraRaderaKristi and Jodi,
SvaraRaderaAccording to my dictionary this deer is called roe deer in English. I don't know if you have them in the States. The only deer I've seen when I've been there are mule deer, I think they are larger.
They all are beautiful though.
Dear Em, did you enjoy how I spelled 'deer' as much as I did? Note to self: Don't blog before coffee, haha. Also, I don't believe we have roe here. At least, not in Pennslyvania
SvaraRaderaDeer Jodi,
SvaraRaderayes, I saw it and chuckled as it made me thing of an old comic strip (Peanuts) - a girl, think it was Peppermint Patty, starts to write Deer, on a paper. Charles, sees it and corrects her. She change it and writes Dear is an animal that...
Charles excuses himself, and says that he thought she was writing a letter. As soon as he has left Patty starts all over and write Dear Grannie,