onsdag 30 april 2008

Favorite authors

It is quite some time since I read about Simon's favorite authors (A-Z Favourites at Stuck In A). Life has been interfering with my reading and writing but I've been writing mental lists while doing other things. Many of my authors wrote (write) in other languages than English so for a while I was playing with the thought of making two lists - but there are too many other things waiting to be done so I soon gave up that idea. Some letters are harder than others - a few are impossible so I ended up putting more than one name on some letters but no titles as I seldom call an author a favorite unless she/he has written more than one book I like.

A - Claes Andersson (Finnish poet) and Gillian Avery
B - Elsa Beskow (1874 - 1953)
http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/beskow.htm and Margot Benary-Isbert
C - G. K. Chesterton
D - Emily Dickinson
E - Vilhelm Ekelund http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1E1-Ekelund.html
F - Per Anders Fogelström http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Per_Anders_Fogelström
G - Wolfgang von Goethe and Anna Katherine Green
H - Aldous Huxely
I - Henrik Ibsen
J - Jerome K. Jerome
K - Erik Axel Karlfeldt
L - Astrid Lindgren - with the original illustrations! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrid_Lindgren
M - Betty MacDonald and A. A. Milne
N - Ogden Nash
O - Hilda Olsson (pen name Kerstin Hed)
P - Chaim Potok
Q -
R - Christina Rossetti
S - Nevil Shute
T - David Thoreau
U - Edith Unnerstad
V - Adam Zagajewski
W - E. B . White and Elin Wägner http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/wagner-elin.jsp
X -
Y -
Z - Erik Zetterström (pen name Kar de Mumma) and Beatrice Zade
Å -
Ä -

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