0 When the tea is brought at five o'clock And all the neat curtains are drawn with care, The little black cat with bright green eyes Is suddenly purring there. 0000000000000000 Harold Monro (1879-1932) 00000000000000000000 "Milk for the Cat"
It is clear that tea time can be all things to all people (and all animals). I don't especially want to take tea with the pope, but who knows, one might enjoy tea anywhere with firmness of mind. Who knows........
Kristi, I'm sure we all have different criterion for the perfect tea - to me the perfect tea is the simple tea, an occasion where I don't have to fit into certain conventions. To take it together with witty friends or a good book certainly adds to the enjoyment. Maybe the pope is witty - I don't know but I'm sure he's interesting even if we don't see things differently. So as long as I don't have to dress in black and cover my head I might enjoy tea with the pope. Margaretha
Embrace change even if you want to run from it. Ralph Shrader
stugkatt at yahoo dot com
It is easier to say what and who I'm not. — I'm not my profession — I'm not my salay — I'm not my age — I'm not my illness — I'm not my civil status So who am I? — a person just the right size and age — an untidy pedant — a conservative radical And what do I do? — weave — read — listen to music, classical preferably baroque
It is clear that tea time can be all things to all people (and all animals). I don't especially want to take tea with the pope, but who knows, one might enjoy tea anywhere with firmness of mind. Who knows........
SvaraRaderaI'm sure we all have different criterion for the perfect tea - to me the perfect tea is the simple tea, an occasion where I don't have to fit into certain conventions. To take it together with witty friends or a good book certainly adds to the enjoyment. Maybe the pope is witty - I don't know but I'm sure he's interesting even if we don't see things differently. So as long as I don't have to dress in black and cover my head I might enjoy tea with the pope.