I've no idea how many times I read "Lilla prinsessan" ("A Little Princess") by Frances Hodgson Burnett, as a child. I loved the book and I loved the cover illustration, how I envied Sara that pink dress. Being chubby and blond, I think I knew that I'd look like an puff pastry with pink icing, in a dress lika that — but one could always dream.
The edition of "A Little Princess", from 1937, that I found today, has illustrations by Ethel Franklin Betts. Lovely illustrations as they're not as sentimental as some I've seen before.
Look at this coverlet, you can weave a copy of it, just by looking at the picture!
I might reread the book, I wonder if I'll cry as much now, as I used to.
Margaretha, I have never tired of reading A Little Princess. I can't think how many times I read it to my pupils and I always shed a few tears along with them. I like the illustrations you show, I am not familiar with that edition. Maureen
I think I'll try to find this children book (which I don't know) too....I like the illustrations. Actually I'm staying in Adelboden again and funnily I always have to think of you :-) when I am here!! We experience the last glance of summer but are already preparing the little garden for winter. Have a good time! Barbara
Maureen, I'm rereading the book now. It's quite interesting to be able to look at the text from an adult angle. I would'nt call it great litterture, but Mrs. Burnett certainly knew how to tell a good story. She knew what ingredients to use and in which proportions. I'm tempted to reread some of her other books.
Barbara, I'm sure you can find several translations into German, if you would prefer that. Otherwise you can read it on-line - there might be other illustrated editions, other than Gutenberg's. Oh, to be in Adelboden now! I've been there several times in September, and always had gorgeous weather. I do hope Adelboden is at its best for you!
These illustrations are wonderful. The coverlet gave me ideas not for weaving but for quilting if I could find the right fabric. I like so much of Burnett's work, but The One I Knew the Best of All, her memoir of her early life, is fascinating.
Jag har läst den lilla prinsessan så många gånger att jag tappat räkningen, det var helt klart min favoritbok som ung (den hemliga trädgården är fantastisk den också i och för sig, men den här betyder mer för mig nostalgiskt sett). Shirley Temples version har jag också sett ett antal gånger,och den nyare från 1995, men boken är ännu mer speciell! Jag hade inte den utgåvan du har, jag måste se om jag kan hittade den utgåvan någonstans så jag kan titta på bilderna igen <3
Kristi, I've just read a few of her books, perhaps should I read all books Gutenberg has to offer. And then reread the biography by Gretchen Gerzina, that I bought many years ago - and have to admit that I found rather boring, and I'm not even sure that I did finish it.
Välkommen hit Alexandra, Vi är uppenbarligen många som nästan läste sönder våra exemplar av "Lilla prinsessan". Det tycks inte spela någon roll vilken generation vi tillhör - vilket är ett gott betyg till författaren. Jag har en känsla av att det finns många olika upplagor, illustrerade av olika illustratörer - och somliga inte alls illustrerade. Du kan ju börja din jakt på biblioteket.
Val, I find it fascinating that in spite of the fact that the book was written over hundred years ago, it's still read and loved!
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Embrace change even if you want to run from it. Ralph Shrader
stugkatt at yahoo dot com
It is easier to say what and who I'm not. — I'm not my profession — I'm not my salay — I'm not my age — I'm not my illness — I'm not my civil status So who am I? — a person just the right size and age — an untidy pedant — a conservative radical And what do I do? — weave — read — listen to music, classical preferably baroque
Margaretha, I have never tired of reading A Little Princess. I can't think how many times I read it to my pupils and I always shed a few tears along with them. I like the illustrations you show, I am not familiar with that edition.
I think I'll try to find this children book (which I don't know) too....I like the illustrations.
SvaraRaderaActually I'm staying in Adelboden again and funnily I always have to think of you :-) when I am here!! We experience the last glance of summer but are already preparing the little garden for winter.
Have a good time!
SvaraRaderaI'm rereading the book now. It's quite interesting to be able to look at the text from an adult angle. I would'nt call it great litterture, but Mrs. Burnett certainly knew how to tell a good story. She knew what ingredients to use and in which proportions. I'm tempted to reread some of her other books.
I'm sure you can find several translations into German, if you would prefer that. Otherwise you can read it on-line - there might be other illustrated editions, other than Gutenberg's.
Oh, to be in Adelboden now! I've been there several times in September, and always had gorgeous weather. I do hope Adelboden is at its best for you!
Take care!
These illustrations are wonderful. The coverlet gave me ideas not for weaving but for quilting if I could find the right fabric.
SvaraRaderaI like so much of Burnett's work, but The One I Knew the Best of All, her memoir of her early life, is fascinating.
Jag har läst den lilla prinsessan så många gånger att jag tappat räkningen, det var helt klart min favoritbok som ung (den hemliga trädgården är fantastisk den också i och för sig, men den här betyder mer för mig nostalgiskt sett). Shirley Temples version har jag också sett ett antal gånger,och den nyare från 1995, men boken är ännu mer speciell! Jag hade inte den utgåvan du har, jag måste se om jag kan hittade den utgåvan någonstans så jag kan titta på bilderna igen <3
SvaraRaderaThose illustrations are lovely, both my daughters loved the BBC radio version of the story and the older went on to read the book and enjoyed that too
SvaraRaderaI've just read a few of her books, perhaps should I read all books Gutenberg has to offer. And then reread the biography by Gretchen Gerzina, that I bought many years ago - and have to admit that I found rather boring, and I'm not even sure that I did finish it.
Välkommen hit Alexandra,
Vi är uppenbarligen många som nästan läste sönder våra exemplar av "Lilla prinsessan". Det tycks inte spela någon roll vilken generation vi tillhör - vilket är ett gott betyg till författaren.
Jag har en känsla av att det finns många olika upplagor, illustrerade av olika illustratörer - och somliga inte alls illustrerade. Du kan ju börja din jakt på biblioteket.
I find it fascinating that in spite of the fact that the book was written over hundred years ago, it's still read and loved!
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