This is a good idea for house plants, which are such a trouble to keep properly watered.
All gardeners tell you that plants never do so well in jardinières as in the red earthen pots. It is for the reason that the common pots are porous and allow evaporation, so that the water does not become stagnant and injure the plant, while the glazed jardinières effectually prevent it.
The great objection to the red pots is that they need a saucer under them, and when moved are difficult to handle without spilling the contents of the saucer.
Plants are not a bit greedy. They don't drink all the water that is given them at once; they love to let a little water run through and remain in the saucer until they need it. It is therefore necessary to the health of plants to let them stand in a vessel that will permit them to make their little reserve store if they wish to.
The new invention accomplishes all of these purposes.
It is a deep saucer, which gives room for an ample reservoir. Attached to it are two uprights with hinged handles at the top.
These handles are to clasp the flower pot and attach it firmly to the saucer.
The pot is placed in the saucer, and the uprights are bent toward the plant until they touch it. Then the spring handles are turned down and clasp the inside rim of the pot, making pot and saucer practically one piece, giving all the advantages of the jardinière, with the health qualities of the earthen pot.
All gardeners tell you that plants never do so well in jardinières as in the red earthen pots. It is for the reason that the common pots are porous and allow evaporation, so that the water does not become stagnant and injure the plant, while the glazed jardinières effectually prevent it.
The great objection to the red pots is that they need a saucer under them, and when moved are difficult to handle without spilling the contents of the saucer.
Plants are not a bit greedy. They don't drink all the water that is given them at once; they love to let a little water run through and remain in the saucer until they need it. It is therefore necessary to the health of plants to let them stand in a vessel that will permit them to make their little reserve store if they wish to.
The new invention accomplishes all of these purposes.
It is a deep saucer, which gives room for an ample reservoir. Attached to it are two uprights with hinged handles at the top.
These handles are to clasp the flower pot and attach it firmly to the saucer.
The pot is placed in the saucer, and the uprights are bent toward the plant until they touch it. Then the spring handles are turned down and clasp the inside rim of the pot, making pot and saucer practically one piece, giving all the advantages of the jardinière, with the health qualities of the earthen pot.
Clothes-pin.—The old-fashioned clothes-pin is such a clumsy, unhandy thing, that this new invention should be hailed with delight by housekeepers.
Any one who has tried to hang out washing knows the trick that clothes-pins have of standing on their heads just when they seem most firmly gripping the rope—slipping off and letting the clothes fall to the ground.
The new pin will allow no such pranks. It is a double affair, and can grip the whole of a stocking or the shoulder of a garment, and hold it with absolute security.
It is made of galvanized wire, so that it is quite smooth, and there are none of the rough pieces and splinters which we sometimes find on clothes-pins. As the pin is of galvanized wire, it does not rust.
I have to admit that I can't picture either of these two inventions.
Undrar om inte den galvaniserade wireklänypan ser ut som den av trä på översta bilden i ditt inlägg på trassliga bastmattan?
SvaraRaderaIntressant om man kunde få se en bild.
tycker Karin
som har både tränypor och plastnypor
SvaraRaderaDet är möjligt, men det är en sällsynt usel konstruktion!
Vi lär nog aldrig få veta hur den såg ut
säger Margaretha
som också har både plast och trä, men gillar trä bättre eftersom plastklypera, blir sköra och går sönder