The Editor of this paper knows we are absolutely responsible, that we will do exactly as we agree, that there is no catch or strings to this offer, and that there is not the slightest chance for a single one of his readers to risk the losing of one cent of money in accepting this FREE proposition or he would not permit us to print this advertisement in his paper.
As a special favor to each woman reader of this publication, for a limited time, without signed contract, note, or any advance payment, and with packing charges and freight all prepaid by us to her depot, we will give her
A Month's Free Use
of one of our World's Celebrated
Ball-Bearing Washers
We make this wonderfully fair present of the use of one of our machines to every woman reader of this publication, either for her own use or for the use of the person who does her washing, solely as an advertisement for our washers.
Do not understand, however, that we give away the machine. We don't. We give you a whole month's FREE USE in your own home and then take it back, paying the return freight to our factory, if you don't want to buy. BUT if you do want it—and 99 out of every 100 do—we will sell it to you on just as liberal a plan as our free use trial offer as all of our Washers are
Sold on 1900 Time Payment Plan
Payments only 50 Cents a Week
Our Month's Free Use Offer is our fair method of getting our machine into the hands of people who will appreciate the wonderful merits of our Washers. They sell themselves when once used, and the reasons for this are found the first time you use one.
"1900" Washers Have 50 Points of Merit Here are a few of them—you will find the others when you make the test. Our "1900" Ball-Bearing Washer is constructed on principles entirely different from any other washing machine on the market. Rights and patents are owned and controlled by us exclusively. The clothes when placed in the machine move with it, and the most delicate fabric cannot be worn or torn. This we guarantee. There is no stirring, crushing or scrubbing, Hot soapy water swashes back and forth through the clothes, eradicating almost instantly every particle of dirt. We guarantee a wash can be done in the "1900" Machine in less than half the time required by any other washer. There is no bending, no hand-car motion, no turning of a crank worse than a grindstone, no backache, no headache, no standing on tired feet but work easily done by the aid of motor-springs and ball bearings, sitting in a comfortable position at the side of the machine.
Understand this advertisement is not to sell you a machine, but to present you with a month's use of one free. After the end of the month you are to be the judge as to whether you will allow us to take it back from your freight station or not.
Full particulars regarding this present of a month's use of our Washer together with full description and price of different styles and sizes of the machines we manufacture will be forwarded at once upon request. Upon receipt of your request for these particulars your letter will be assigned a number on our books, and one of our machines will be reserved for you until we hear that you do not care to take advantage of our free use offer.
We can only supply a certain number of these machines on this plan, and when this number is reserved for people who write us, it will be impossible for you to secure the use of machine free until our factory catches up with orders, so you should not delay a minute in answering this advertisement and getting a machine reserved for you. Do it at once, right now, it will cost you only a stamp or postal; no other charge or expense possible. Address
"1900" WASHER COMPANY, 385 N. Henry St., Binghamton N. Y.
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