and not warm, not warm at all.
It climbed to +17°C for a while in the afternoon, but most of the day it has been around +15°C.
The garden is neglected – weeds and snails are taking over.
The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields
16 timmar sedan
It is just the same here, Margaretha. Perhaps the Atlantic jet stream heads your way when it has passed over us. I am considering bring the winter duvets out of storage.
SvaraRaderaYes, I just listened to the weather report - tomorrow will be nice but after that the jet stream is leaving you and coming our way! But they said that after that it will be summer again! You might not need the winter duvets for a while!
Here in northeast Ohio we are just having some rain after too long without it, so I won't complain. It has been a cool summer, but we have days in the 80degrees Fahrenheit which is actually warmer than I would like. Nights are cool. I love this weather actually! It's the very hot days when the nights don't cool off that I find difficult and we haven't had any of those yet this year.......I love summer.....In fact, it is not that difficult to find something to love in all the seasons of the year.
SvaraRaderaWe had a lovely summer day yesterday, warm but not too hot, but it's pouring down again today. I can't handle heat very well so I rather have a cool than a hot summer, even if I like sunny days. I'm having guests next week and hope it will stop raining. They have never been here and it is nicer to show friends around in dry weather.
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