One of many things I like about the blogosphere is that you get to knew people around the world – and the way we share information. Some time ago Kristi told me that she liked the photo of the flower on my blog, even if she didn't know what it was. I told her it was a Spiraea cinerea, and she was able to find a plant. So just to show Kristi what she can expect in some years, I took a picture this morning of our hedge that is about to flower.
I don't always remember to check the "Live Traffic Feed" – but when I do I find it amazing from how many countries the visitors come. Sometimes I have visitors from places I've been and I love to be able to picture what it looks like there, even if I don't know the visitor! It's still nicer when you leave a comment – but I'm not very good at that myself so I'm not going to require that!
I agree. It is wonderful indeed to see how the blogs connect us across seas and continents.
SvaraRaderaYou're one of my visitors who live in an area where I've been - and love. I'd visit New England every fall if I could!
It is amazing, Margaretha. I love traveling around every day as I sit right here looking out of my own window.
SvaraRaderaYes, it is amazing - if time consuming! I get sidetracked all the time as have to learn more about all the interesting things people write about. That means that I seldom get time to blog about everything I intend to write about.