Tea Dresses
One of my latest finds is “Breakfasts and Teas, Novel Suggestions for Social Occasions", by Paul Pierce from 1907. There are two more books by the same author: “Dinners and Luncheons, Novel Suggestions for Social Occasions" and "Suppers, Novel Suggestions for Social Occasions". None of them includes recipes, they are “Respectfully dedicated to the overworked, perturbed American hostess in the sincere hope that the suggestions herein may lighten her perplexities and transform her work of entertaining from a task of dread to one of delight.”
Even if you entertain as seldom as I do, which is never, you might find it as amusing as I do, to read about it.
A "Book-Title" Tea. 1.
The latest novelty in afternoon entertainments in England is what is called a "book-title" tea. Of course, this would be just as amusing in the evening, and any refreshments may be served that the hostess prefers.
The guests are all expected to devise and wear some particular badge or ornament which indicates, more or less clearly, the title of some book, preferably works which are well known.
The "badges" worn may be very clever and most tastefully executed. "Dodo" may be impersonated by showing a bar of music containing the two representative notes of the tonic sol-fa method. "Little Men" is represented by a badge bearing the names of little great men, such as Napoleon, Lord Roberts, etc.
A lady may wear around her neck fragments of china tied by a ribbon. This represents "The Break-Up of China," Lord Charles Beresford's book. Another lady, whose name is Alice, may wear a necklace of little mirrors, and this represents "Alice Through A Looking Glass." An ingenious design consists of a nickel coin, a photo of a donkey, another nickel coin, and a little bee, meaning "Nickolas Nickleby." A daisy stuck into a tiny miller's hat stands for "Daisy Miller," and the letters of the word olive twisted on a wire for "Oliver Twist."
Two little gates, made of paste board and a jar, represents "Gates Ajar," and a string of little dolls dressed as men, "All Sorts and Conditions of Men." There are many other interesting and ingenious designs.
That was fun...I think I'd fail the puzzle test though :0)
SvaraRaderaI too would fail most of them. But I like the idea.
Jag skulle kanske klara Oliver Twist men inte så mycket mer av boktitlarna.
SvaraRaderaI dagens läge skulle man nog bli betraktad som kultursnobb av värsta graden om man praktiserade detta.
Jag var en gång på en tillställning där man tilldelades ett porträtt av en popsångare/-ska och skulle leta upp dess moatjé. Det klarade inte jag. Hade aldrig hört talas om sångarna i fråga, långt mindre hade jag en aning om hur de såg ut. Den morsvarande kavaljeren kunde dock och han hittade ju mig så småningom.
RaderaNej, så värst många skulle jag inte ha klarat - i synnerhet som jag inte ens hört talas om alla böckerna. Men man kan hitta en del hos Gutenberg, och andra på nätet. Den enda jag inte är säker på är "Dodo", tänkte först på Alice, där finns ju en Dodo - men jag får det inte att gå ihop med skalan. Och någon bok med den titeln hittar jag inte.
Jag skulle förresten inte klara av en liknande historia i dag eftersom jag läser så få nyutkomna böcker.
Fast som du säger skulle det kanske betraktas som snobbigt (den tanken slog mig inte ens), och risken är nog inte stor att jag hamnar på ett sådant tekalas.
som inte heller
skulle klara
av popsångs-
This seems so much fun. And I love the tea dresses. It would be amusing to make up a puzzle costume, but would I ever ever figure out anyone else's title? I doubt it!
SvaraRaderaYou might, if you only invite friends who share your literary taste.
I hope you invite me!