onsdag 16 februari 2011

In search of water

Not much has changed since I wrote last time. The computer and I, still have different ideas abut most every thing.
And were still without water. It turned out not only to be a broken pump — there is a leak under the kitchen floor. So yesterday we had two carpenters here who were making a hole in the floor under the sink, trying to figure out how to find the leak and how to mend it. One of them just came back and is making a terrible noise with a large machine. We fled the kitchen, the noise and dust.
What will happen next, remains to be seen.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Fastän det inte blir tråkigt på något sätt när sådant där händer som det händer hos dig just nu, kan man vara det förutan om man hade möjlighet att välja.

    Karin som nästan slog knut på sig själv just i mening att försöka trösta på något sätt:)

  2. Sending You Good Luck Wishes !!!!

  3. Karin,
    Tack knuten hjälpte - hoppas du kan knyta upp dig nu!
    Klart det är knöligt - men det kunde vara värre, vi har ju trots allt vad vi behöver - inklusive vatten, fast det inte kommer ur kranen.

    Thank you!!


  4. I am sorry to see that you are still having problems. I hope that all will be well soon.


  5. Maureen,
    Well, at least things are happening, so I hope we'll have water before the end of this week. But I'm not looking forward to the cleaning up that will be necessary. I don't think a messier or dirtier kitchen excists.
