onsdag 6 oktober 2010

Back on-line

Little did I know, when the computer started to act up, that it would take over two months before I'd be back on-line.
The computer didn't suffer any serious malady, it needed a spare part that had to be ordered from — well, actually I don't know from where — from somewhere. And that took time.
Much more serious was the situation when my mother suffered a cardiac infarction. But all went well and she could go home after five days at the hospital.

I dare not promise to write very often, life has a tendency to get complicated in between, but I'll try to post a line or two every now and then.

8 kommentarer:

  1. How lovely to hear from you again.
    I hope now that all goes well for you and look forward to reading your entries when they are possible :0)

  2. Welcome back, Margaretha. I am sorry that your mother has had such a difficult time and hope that she will be well now. I will get some books off to her.

  3. So glad you're back. We will remember your mother in our prayers tonight.

  4. Val,
    It is good to be back again - and I'm looking forward to hearing from you again.

    Thank you, Maureen!

    Your prayers are most appreciated!


  5. So good to see new posts of you and to hear that you're fine. But to your mother all the best wishes for a quick and good recovery!
    Happy Fall to you!

  6. Thank you Barbara,
    I'm so happy to be back to some kind of normality.
    I'm slowly getting back to the old routines, reading my favorite blogs - even if I'm not very good at commenting. I'm working on it!
    My mother is doing very well.
    Hope all is well and that you have a beautiful fall - maybe going to Adelboden?

  7. Yes, we've been to Adelboden recently. Actually we're renovating the little chalet which is now ours as my mother died in the beginning of summer. I hope to stay there from time to time when my husband is going to be retired next Spring.
    I'm glad you're fine!

  8. Barbara,
    I'm sorry to hear that your mother has died.
    But it was good to hear that you've been to Adelboden - and that the chalet is yours now! It's such a peaceful place, or should I say that the nature is peaceful - I don't know if today's village is as peaceful as it used to be.
    Wishing you many happy vacations in your Chalet!
    Take care,
